Metamodernism: Optimism and Irony to survive everything (and despite everything)

We all share a collective unconscious that is the result of our context. Metamodernity is the zeitgeist of our times; the great collective framework that makes us develop certain sensibilities and manifests itself in a new consumer. A consumer who oscillates between the optimism of Modernity and the nihilism of Postmodernity. Optimistic despite everything.

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“I look like the one who carried the brick with him to show the world what his house was like” (0) Bertolt Brecht en Benedetti, M. (2020)  Based on this quote from Bertolt Brecht, Mario Benedetti would write “La Casa y El Ladrillo” (‘The House and the Brick’). Both poets spoke about a lost home,…

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When rebellion becomes mainstream

‘The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution’ Hannah Arendt In our current society in which if we do not get likes or comments we quickly change our content because we think that we are doing something wrong; a society instrumentally rationalized, in which everything has to have a benefit…

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Since we receive information in real time, marketing departments and agencies become hesitant in making decisions and impatient in obtaining results. And they panic when there is an immediate unfavorable reaction.

We are then faced with a dilemma, how to build marketing or communication plans, brand building campaigns in an environment that seems constantly mutable and uncertain, where we cannot have the certainty of knowledge to make the right decision?

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“Dopamine detox” rises as a new trend to eliminate the effervescent effect of short-termism, influenced by breaking news, likes, immediate satisfaction. Resetting the brain with several days of 0 dopamine not only would help us on focusing on difficult but important tasks it would also be an opportunity to stop being consumers to be creators and for brands to build up long-term relationships.

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“It’s time to risk, to dare and to bet on creativity”

Richard Wakefield (Barcelona, 1966). Es una de esas mentes multidisciplinares de la creatividad publicitaria que se atreve a explorar territorios no convencionales. Profesor asociado a la Facultad de Comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales Blanquerna, Director Creativo de Storytelling Works y Talent Works, autor del libro y blog “Elestereotipomemata.” y fundador y director de la asociación solidaria, Publicitarios Implicados, entre otras muchas facetas.

Nos encontramos con él para hablar de lo divino y lo humano del mundo publicitario, su visión de futuro en esta “nueva normalidad”, sobre qué debe aportar la universidad y el desarrollo de la iniciativa Publicitarios Implicados, que creó en 2006.

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A Conclusion We have always needed to know, both collectively and individually. Knowing not only in the ontological sense but also in the sense of what is happening and what is going to happen. This natural character of humanity has been exponentially multiplied in our digital age, in which we have the feeling that things…

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An essay as explanation Throughout this article we can briefly find the main causes that have made us detach from our natural environment. The relationships between our myths and our economic system have resulted in western society completely losing its ecological sense. We try to reflect from anthropology on the relationship between sustainability and consumption.…

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